Curvo Acquires Strategic Healthcare Services, LLC

Addition of SHS enhances Curvo’s offerings for providers and suppliers .

Curvo Labs, Inc., a healthcare supply chain technology company, today announced the acquisition of Strategic Healthcare Services, LLC, (SHS), a consulting firm that specializes in strategic sourcing and clinical spend
management services to both providers and manufacturers. With more than 20 years of hospital supply chain
experience, SHS helps create partnerships between clinicians, hospital administration, and suppliers to optimize
hospital sourcing processes.

“Our goal since the dawn of Curvo has been to bring large-scale efficiency and connectivity to health systems
and suppliers in their sourcing and sales processes,” said Andy Perry, CEO and co-founder of Curvo. “The
acquisition of SHS, coupled with the launch of our new sourcing suite for both health systems and suppliers on
our platform, furthers this strategy and brings our market one step closer to the vision. We are excited to
welcome the SHS team to Curvo.”

Hospital supply chains suffer from protracted contracting cycles, lack of clarity into the sourcing process, and
unknown areas of opportunity for improvement. Manufacturers suffer from difficult data, poor visibility, and
manual processes for assessing and responding to hospital opportunities. Curvo’s platform combines an AIpowered
data pipeline with powerful analytics, sourcing workflows, and a connected vendor community to
shorten contracting cycles, engage clinicians, and manage clinical supply spend more effectively. The addition
of SHS’s expert advisors and analytical services will expand Curvo’s current offerings for customers and
further streamline the clinical supply sourcing process for hospitals and suppliers alike.

“SHS’s goal has always been to leverage our expertise to create partnerships between healthcare organizations
and suppliers that enable the delivery of highest quality of care for patients,” said Joe Jackson, managing
director of SHS. “We have a history of collaboration with Curvo and knew that the company’s values and
mission were in line with our own. We are excited for the next chapter and look forward to years of continued
success as part of the Curvo team.”

The terms of the deal were not disclosed.